TransMac 15.3 Crack With PAtch

TransMac 15.3 Cracked Free License Key Download

TransMac Crack is a utility software designed to simplify the management of files and drives formatted for macOS in a Windows environment. It gives users the ability to read, write, copy and format Mac disks and drives directly from their Windows PC.

Download TransMac 15.3 Crack With PAtch

This functionality is especially beneficial for individuals who work on both Mac and Windows platforms to allow seamless file transfer and access to Mac-formatted disks on their Windows machines.

TransMac simplifies the process of managing Mac-specific file systems, offers a user-friendly interface for managing disk images, creating bootable USB drives, and performing various disk-related tasks.TransMac Crack serves as a convenient solution for users who need to interact with macOS-formatted disks on their Windows computers, enabling efficient data exchange and disk management across different operating systems.

key features of TransMac Crack

  1. Read and write access: Allows users to read and write files on Mac-formatted disks from Windows.
  2. Disk format support: Supports various Mac disk formats, including HFS, HFS+, and APFS.
  3. Disk image management: Enables the creation, editing, and burning of disk images.
  4. Disk cloning: Facilitates the cloning of Mac disks to create exact duplicates.
  5. File compatibility: Ensures compatibility with Mac-specific file types and formats.
  6. Bootable USB creation: Allows users to create bootable macOS installation USB drives from disk images.
  7. File copying: Enables the copying of files and folders between Windows and Mac disks.
  8. File renaming: Provides the ability to rename files and folders on Mac-formatted disks.
  9. File deletion: Allows users to delete files and folders from Mac disks.
  10. Disk partitioning: Supports partitioning of Mac disks directly from Windows.
  11. Drive formatting: Enables the formatting of Mac disks to different file systems.
  12. Disk verification: Verifies the integrity of Mac disk images and drives.
  13. CD/DVD burning: Allows burning of Mac-compatible CDs and DVDs from disk images.
  14. USB drive formatting: Supports formatting USB drives to Mac-compatible file systems.
  15. Disk information: Provides detailed information about Mac disks and partitions.
  16. Disk utility tools: Includes disk utility tools for repairing and maintaining Mac disks.
  17. Automatic file type association: Automatically associates Mac file types with appropriate Windows applications.
  18. Thumbnail previews: Displays thumbnail previews for Mac-specific file types.
  19. Integration with Windows Explorer: Integrates TransMac functionality into Windows Explorer for seamless file management.
  20. User-friendly interface: Features an intuitive interface for easy navigation and operation.
  21. Multilingual support: Supports multiple languages for global accessibility.
  22. Comprehensive help documentation: Provides detailed documentation and support resources for users.

Operating System:

  • Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, or later versions.


  • Intel Pentium 4 or later processor.
  • AMD Athlon 64 or later processor.

RAM (Memory):

  • At least 1 GB of RAM (2 GB or more recommended for optimal performance).

Storage Space:

  • Sufficient disk space for installation and operation of the software.

Additional Requirements:

  • Administrative privileges are required for installation.
  • Internet connection (for software activation and updates).

How To Crack TeamViewer Full Version Wiyh keygen?

  1. Download TransMac With Crack.
  2. Extract File.
  3. Open the folder Install the setup.
  4. Open the key file on Notepad.
  5. Copy the Premium License Key and paste it.

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